More “Good News” Stories from the George Floyd Protests
Here are a few more good news stories from the protests:
1. A 16-year-old kid named Stefan Perez helped lead a peaceful protest in Detroit, then dropped to his knees with a megaphone and pleaded with people to comply with an 8:00 P.M. curfew. The mayor of Detroit called later to thank him.
2. An African-American guy in Nashville said he was scared to go on his daily 6:00 P.M. walks alone, because he lives in a mostly white neighborhood. And when he stepped outside, 75 friends and neighbors were there waiting to walk with him.
3. A non-profit clothing store in Oklahoma City got looted and burned. Now people have donated over $60,000 on to help rebuild.
4. A bunch of people in Logan, Utah were protesting outside a courthouse when the local police chief showed up with pizza and soft drinks for lunch.
5. A teenager in Philadelphia named Khalil Gardner has been setting up his basketball hoop in different spots around the city to break the tension and bring people together.
6. A woman in Santa Monica, California saw looters breaking into a jewelry store. So she stood in front of the door for two hours to keep people away.
7. Violent protesters in Austin trashed a homeless guy’s stuff and burned his mattress. But then other people showed up with a new tent, mattress, food, clothes, and cash.