DJ Talk

Ever Wish You Could Live “Off the Grid” for a Few Days?

Everyone expects you to respond to emails and texts immediately now.  Do you ever wish you could go a few days WITHOUT that pressure?

Someone asked 5,000 Americans about it.  The question was do you ever wish you could spend a few days “off the grid,” without people expecting you to call them back, reply to texts, or respond on social media.

Turns out most of us DO crave that feeling of being fully “unplugged” sometimes.  57% said yes, and just 20% never feel that way.

The remaining 23% either said they’re not sure, or they never feel that pressure to respond, 11% said it’s just not an issue they deal with.

There wasn’t a big different across most demographics.  But how OLD you are might matter.

The group most likely to say they’d love to unplug for a few days were people over 30, but under 65.  So that’s mainly people who are still working, and includes a lot of parents as well.


