DJ Talk

10 Most Annoying Things Drivers Say We Do in Ubers and Lyfts

If you didn’t know, you don’t just get to rate Uber and Lyft drivers… they get to rate YOU.  So if you want to make sure you keep your score high… well, don’t do any of this.

A new survey asked Uber and Lyft drivers for the most annoying things their passengers do.  Here are the top 10…

1.  Eating food that stinks.
2.  Smoking weed, or smelling like weed.
3.  Arguing with the route.
4.  Slamming the door.
5.  Being rude.
6.  Making female drivers uncomfortable.
7.  Not being ready to go.
8.  Not tipping.
9.  Setting the wrong spot as the pick-up point.
10.  Vaping in the car.



(Business Insider)